充滿伊斯蘭國家特色的廣告|This Is What Islamic Advertising Looks Like In Muslim Countries

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islamic advertising


所以你應該不難想像,在穆斯林(Muslim)國家裡,很多廣告和我們平常熟悉的操作方式並不相同。例如在沙烏地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)中,女性不能出現在廣告中,如果要出現也只能出現眼睛而已。但在印尼情況又不一樣了,印尼的廣告通常比較有趣,而且女性的穿著也像在歐洲一樣,比較不受限制。


change is a lingerie and swimwear brand this launch ad was intended play off censorship in saudi arabia and to transform censorship into art the ads were in english to target an upscale bilingual audience the agency was ogilvy jeddah

Change是一家女性內衣和泳衣的品牌,這個廣告是利用沙烏地阿拉伯的廣告審查制度,將這些限制轉化為藝術的表現。這個廣告是用英文表示的,目標族群是雙語人士,由Ogilvy Jeddah代理(agency)。

in indonesia cats smell as bad as they do in the west this poster is for bubbles cat cologne the agency is grey indonesia

在印尼,貓咪聞起來的味道就跟在西方一樣,這個海報是Bubbles的「貓咪古龍水」(cat cologne),代理商為Grey。

 how do you stage a beauty contest in saudi arabia where women are rarely allowed to show their faces olay solved that problem with this search for the most beautiful eyes in arabia the winner below received a trip to london


cokes ads in pakistan play off the highly decorated buses and trucks that ply the streets there agency soho square lahore

可口可樂在巴基斯坦(Pakistan)的廣告,善用了高度裝飾美化公車,當公車在街上到處行走時,你很容易就能注意到這則廣告。代理商為Soho Square, Lahore。

this doesnt look very appealing to westerners but when you live in a desert kingdom like saudi arabia where water is scarce it comes across differently agency leo burnett jeddah

這個廣告對西方人來說可能一點都不吸引人,但是如果你活在一個沙漠國家例如沙烏地阿拉伯,在那裡水是非常珍貴的資源,用這個角度出發,你就能理解這個廣告受歡迎的理由。代理商:Leo Burnett, Jeddah。

 arab advertising is often unafraid to play to stereotypes here a keffiyeh wearing desert nomad warms his hands at night over a spicy chicken sandwich from kudu a chain restaurant


this bus in iran was dressed as a tiled floor with fleeing germs for domestos bleach agency point of view tehran

這輛伊朗巴士被偽裝成磁磚的樣子,上面還有很多要逃走的蟲,這一切都要歸功於Domestos的漂白劑!代理商:Point of View, Tehran。

this ad was one of a series for saudi arabias invision interactive tv which played on the idea that television causes chaosunless you can control it all the characters in it were men in eastern garb agency leo burnett saudi arabia

這個廣告是沙烏地阿拉伯互動電視系列廣告的其中一則,他想表達的是電視可能會造成很大的災難!除非你有辦法控制它!而所有系列廣告中的角色都是穿著東方衣服的男性。代理商:Leo Burnett, Saudi Arabia。

this was part of a campaign for kushbu a fashion line based in the uk which sells islamic wear online even covered women care about their appearance


 this joke in this ad for pattex super glue is that in egypt men and women have traditionally carried heavy loads on their heads agency tbwa cairo

這個廣告是來自埃及(Egypt)的Pattex超級膠水,廣告中所有的男性女性都像傳統埃及人一樣,頭頂著重物,但為什麼都不會掉下來呢?代理商:TBWA Cairo。

 the message here is that samsung appliances spin clothes so thoroughly they will vomit out their dirt agency fp7 dohar qatar

這則廣告想表達三星(Samsung)的洗衣機可以將衣服徹底洗淨,讓衣服們吐出所有髒東西!代理商:FP7, Dohar, Qatar。

yes some muslims in qatar have persian style rugs champion spray on fresh will stop them smelling like sheep agency grey dubai

因為很多在卡達(Qatar)的穆斯林都會有波斯地毯,所以Champion Spray On Fresh標榜能夠讓你的地毯不再聞起來像真的有羊一樣!代理商:Grey, Dubai。




Reference: http://www.businessinsider.com/this-is-what-islamic-advertising-looks-like-in-iran-saudi-arabia-and-other-muslim-countries-2012-8#





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