平面設計師和插畫師Gilda Martini 和Gabriela Lubiano 為阿根廷貨幣——比索(Pesos)做了一套全新的設計提案。新設計的靈感來自於生物的多樣性,票面正面是動物,背面則是動物們居住的風景。他們以這種偉大的方式向這個美麗的南美國家致敬。
Graphic designers and illustrators Gilda Martini & Gabriela Lubiano imagined a new design of the Argentinian beauty, the Pesos. The was inspired by the diversity of the fauna and flora. To illustrate the bills, on the resto animals and on the verso the landscapes where they lives. A great way to pay tribute to this beautiful South American country.
Via: http://www.fubiz.net/en/2017/01/19/beautiful-redesign-of-the-argentinean-bills/
本文地址: http://www.ad518.com/article/id-10614